About EVF Conference Series

The EVF Series « Energy and City of the Future » EVF’ was created by ECAM-EPMI (Cergy-Pontoise, France), University of Lorraine (France) and Queens University (Canada).

EVF conferences aim to bring together academic researchers, industrial, scientists and city political actors to exchange their experiences and research results about all aspects (historical, societal, environmental, conceptual, methodological, practices ...) dealing with the Energy and the City of the Future. The previous editions were organized in Cergy-Pontoise France (2014); Tetouan Morrocco (2015); Queens Canada (2016); Longwy France (2017); Fès Morrocco (2018); Pune India (2019), Remote (2020), Cergy-Pontoise France (2021), El Jadida Morocco (2022), Nouakchott Mauritania (2023).

The 9 former editions of EVF Conference are as follow:




EVF’ 2014 




EVF’ 2015 




EVF’ 2016 




EVF’ 2017 




EVF’ 2018 




EVF’ 2019 


(Inde ) 

EDPSciences E3S  


EVF’ 2020 




EVF’ 2021 



EDPSciences E3S  


EVF’ 2022 

El Jadida  



EVF’ 2023 





Plenary Conferences

The conference will be divided in 10 themes as follows:
  • TH1 - City and buildings of the future
  • TH2 - Energy and management
  • TH3 - Transport and mobility
  • TH4 - Factories of the futur
  • TH5 - Water management
  • TH6 - Waste management
  • TH7 - E-Health
  • TH8 - Cultural infrastructures
  • TH9 - Professions of the future and related training courses
  • TH10 - Concerns and serenity of citizens in the future



How could one not have the city of tomorrow in one's mind and in particular in this period which has faced several singular episodes.

IPCC reports are bringing more and more new elements about the urgency of the climate situation which has become perceptible beyond scientific experience and its fine and evolving sensors. Animals with their sensitive sensors have already perceived certain changes in advance of mankind. Man is able today to perceive abnormal changes in a reduced life cycle, which underlines how close the danger has become.

The other element being the pandemic which has affected the whole planet and is forcing ordinary citizens to think about the future of the Life “VIE” and the City “VILLE”. Reversed migrations from the city to the countryside, for example, have been observed following the progressive and repetitive confinements in different countries.

In this context, the topic of the City of the future, already topical, has been legitimized by decision-makers as well as by modern-day thinkers. Previous editions have also allowed a serious scientific foundation in both French-speaking (France, Morocco editions) and English-speaking (Canada, India editions) countries

M. EL GANAOUI (University of Lorraine, France), J.-M. NUNZI (Queens University, Canada), I. EL ABBASSI and R. ABSI (ECAM-EPMI, Cergy-Pontoise, France).

In Progress